Terms of Use
- By registering, you may not be part of Wicked Interactive, Gameforge4D, YD, Masangsoft, Arario Corporation, Innova Inc, VTCGame, or Shanghai Yetime Network Technology Co.Ltd staff
- You can not create or use any identification in the game that can be confused with IDs created or used by AirFighter to perform operations such as support, testing, or verification of service.
- You can not use any form of offensive language, or abusive xula in order to threaten someone with defamatory, obscene, illegal, racial, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, sexually explicit and harmful.
- You can not post, lay, spread or communicate any player's real world information (name, address, account name, etc.). AirFighter or through the community forum as well as other parts of the web.
- You may not post or link to any sexually explicit, offensive, abusive, defamatory, obscene, illegal, racial, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive imagery or content.
- When communicating using AirFighter in Game Chat, or community forum, you may not spam, flood, or make duplicate posts.
- You haven't got to participate in practice in the game that compromise the performance of the game for other players, or adversely affect playability.
- You haven't got to violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, and regulations.
- You are not allowed to share your account information with others. You, as the account owner is fully responsible for all actions performed by your account.
- You should follow the instructions of authorized personnel while in AirFighter or community forum.(GM / MOD / GA / MA / DEV / CoMa / SA)
- You can not be a member or to order any kind of group in AirFighterthat is based or has foundations / philosophy racist, sexist, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-gay, or any philosophy that preaches some kind of behavior revolting or abhorrent.
- You shall not interfere with, hack into or decipher any transmissions to or originating from servers AirFighter.
- There is no discussion allowed, link, advertising, slogans, images, title chat / store characters (players), sites, forums or groups that deal on or use of, other servers, bots, or other third-party programs , hack, trojan horse programs and evil in general.
- The maximum size of an image in the board-signature is 600x160. If any member has an image larger than permitted, your signature will be edited without warning.
- When you post any questions or support requests, specify your problem (preferably at posting an image of the error), cite the title of the topic (Please avoid creating titles with gibberish: "HELP" "HELP ME" etc.), use a clear and objective language, needing some information later add or correct use tool to change and remember before posting always use the tool "Search", their doubts may have already been resolved.
- On the responsibilities of the Brigade, is defined as "an association that aims to provide assistance and protection to its members", so any irregular act of a member of the Brigade in the game that will benefit as a whole will be punished with the extinction of the Brigade.
- To play the game / forum the player acknowledges that, in case of breach of any provision of this term as well as for breach of any of the rules of the game or for providing incomplete or false information for the record, be subject to expulsion from the game without notice, so little compensation or reimbursement for expulsion.
- You are allowed to have a maximum of 3 accounts registered on our server.
- It is the responsibility of the player being aware of the rules and know that they can change without notice, so stay alert to create a topic, check the rules before.
Alert - The player can receive an alert message personal and / or topic.
Warnings - From 1 to 3 depending on the warnings already received.
Has a player got three warnings, he/she will be excluded from the game.
The order and number of warnings are at the discretion of the member of staff.
- You agree that AirFighter has nothing to do with your time lost while playing or money spent on AirFighter. It's your own responsibility how long you play and where you play.
- By creating an account you accept all rules above!
These rules are subject to change without notice some of the server administration. These rules and the User rules are standard and they ALL MUST be followed without exception.